Here’s Why You Should Play Puzzles More Frequently

Here’s Why You Should Play Puzzles More Frequently

For millennia, puzzles have been popular in cultures all over the world. Historically, the first known puzzle was a dissection of a square that Archimedes made mention of in 250BC. Since then, puzzles have greatly evolved and are now available in a wide variety of options, including sports puzzles, wood crafts, jigsaw puzzles, polar express games, animal planet games for kids, and many more.

The biggest reason for the enduring popularity of puzzles is their many benefits for children and adults alike. In this article, we explore five of the top reasons why playing puzzles is good for you and your family.


1. Puzzles Are a Healthy Source of Entertainment

Perhaps the top reason most people love puzzles is because they are so entertaining. Sports puzzles, for instance, can hold your attention and keep you engaged for hours on end. Playing a puzzle can turn a wide variety of processes in your brain while at the same time helping the mind relax by tuning out stressful thoughts.

For young children, solving easy puzzles is not only fun, but also beneficial when it comes to the development of gross and fine motor skills. As they enjoy solving the puzzles, their shape recognition and hand-eye coordination become better too.

2. Solving Puzzles Develops Your Entire Thought Process

Most mind puzzles designed for adults demand one to have the ability to recognize all the different parts in addition to the entire picture of the problem. Solving a 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle, for instance, requires you to have great logical judgment and ingenuity.

While the left and the right hand side of your brain typically function separately, the entire brain is needed to achieve the most satisfactory results in solving a puzzle. But even when isolated, the left or right side of the brain will still be able to appreciate specific aspects of given scenarios. Ultimately, both sides of your brain benefit from the exercise of solving sports puzzles.

3. Puzzles Are A Great Way to Develop Patience

You’ve certainly heard that patience is a virtue. What you may not have heard, however, is that solving puzzles is an excellent way to develop this skill. The fact is every puzzle is a challenge, and it takes time and patience to overcome a challenge. As people learn to slowly work through a 2000 piece puzzle, for instance, they develop, improve, and ultimately master patience.

Of course, it’s best to start teaching children how to be patient while they’re still young. Easy animal planet games are perfect for doing so while children are at this age. As they grow, they can switch to moderately difficult puzzles. The aim should be to get them to learn never to give up easily and to keep persevering till they achieve their goal.

4. Puzzles Help Boost Your Memory

A common strategy people use when solving a big jigsaw puzzle is trying to remember how all the different pieces fit. This task is beneficial when it comes to boosting the memory. Puzzles enhance people’s ability to focus for a long time, which is a huge asset in all walks of life.

As you work out sports puzzles, the connections between your brain cells are reinforced and new relationships between those cells generated. The result is increased mental speed and thought process. Ultimately, people who participate in solving puzzles find that their memories, especially short term memories, are significantly improved.

5. Solving Puzzles Increases Ingenuity

Solving adult sports puzzles helps individuals give more thought to general life issues in a totally different approach. People who regularly solve puzzles tend to think outside the box, exercising their minds to operate efficiently in different ways.

As you solve puzzles, you combine both empirical examination and creativity. It’s this kind of thinking that results in innovative, efficient, and precognitive problem solving skills in all other fields of life.


Puzzles have immense and long lasting benefits for people who play them on a regular basis. And with such a huge variety of puzzles on offer, it’s now easier than ever to find one that you can start enjoying with your family today.